I promise I won't get angry at my lovely lovely lovely pupils who don't work,
don't care and just chat during lessons.
I won't get mad at the cat who keeps jumping on the coach and makes marks with his claws.
I won't shout at my naughty but so lovely daughter
who never listens to me and just wants to laugh, play and watch Tchoupi all day.
I will correct papers straight away and hand them in the next day.
I will clear the table and put the dishes away right after dinner.
I won't eat too much chocolate.
I will stop swearing and making fun of people.
I will respect the speed limit.
I will stop speaking and laughing loudly and behave like a lady under every circumstance.
BUT just how boring it will all be ???
What a boring person I will be?
But maybe I shall hold to my teacher's resolutions then...You'll tell me if I hold on to them....
I won't push grandma in the nettles
RépondreSupprimerI won't illegally download music on the Internet (but maybe movies, videos-games etc.)
I shall go everyday in class even then it’s raining or there is a German test
I won't steal the scooter if the neighbor’s son
I won't take good resolutions for 2014 because I never do their
I won't catch my sisters.
RépondreSupprimerI shall legally download music.
I will do all my homework, if I can do it.
I'll have good marks.
I s hall never talk to my friend's In class.
I Will talke real résolution for 2014 because I never do their.
I will learn my definitions to biology
RépondreSupprimeri will read (a fashion magazines)
I will be nicer to my sister if she is with me
I will go to bed earlier (10 min)
I will eat less candy (but more chocolate)
Kennedy Mathilde 3°3
RépondreSupprimerI shall tidy my wradrobe.
I shall eat every vegetable (even if it's rotten).
I shall not annoy my brother ( it's going to be difficult . . . ).
I will be always happy ( even if my goldfish dies ).
I won't talk in class even if the teacher asks me to speak.
If someone swears I will tell him off (especially if it's a teacher ).
I'll do my homeworks every day ... Hum, If I want
RépondreSupprimerI won't answer to my teachers (only my french's teacher)
I won't caricature who I pass in street (except if they are funny !)
I shall help my older sister when she do her homework (if I understand)
I won't dress my younger sister like a clown when sh go at school.
Perhaps ...
Bertille Vallet
Faustine Dubois 3°3
RépondreSupprimerI'll go to bed earlier (22pm).
I won't sleep over 10pm.
I'll stop to say at my sister that she is in overweight.
I'll stop saying to myself that I am in overweight.
I shall be on a diet.
I shall like the food of the canteen.
I'll like every subjects at school(including Sciences Physics)
I'll help my mother (even if she doesn't want)
I'll stop to sing in my shower and everywhere!!
I'll watch every movies in VOST.
I shall stop to make me ideas.
I'll grow up...
I won't fight with my sister
RépondreSupprimerI will learning all my lessons
I'm trying to get my license
I won't talk in class with my friends (if I can)
I won't bother my mother qquand it works
I will often call my grandmother
But I won't make less shopping is really impossible.
I won't download illegaly, just software,
RépondreSupprimerI'll never go to bed late, just 23pm,
I shall better my homework, late at night,
I'll participate in class, if I want,
I'll upload now legaly, if it's possible,
I shall less computer, just programming.
Eynard-Longuet Matthieu
My resolutions:
RépondreSupprimerI promise I shall stop forget the anniversary of my sisters.
I will limit the time spent on the PS3 (no more than 3 hours per day ^^)
I won’t accuse the cat when Christmas chocolates disappear mysteriously, and admit this is the dog that ate everything. =)
I won’t pretend to listen to the teacher during the French class (hmm perhaps …).
I shall try for the first time to make all my resolutions because the change is now!
My resolutions :
RépondreSupprimerI will no throw the brother's clothes out the window although it will miss.
I will not give my mother of my cheek.
I will not eat all chocolate in the cupboard when my parents not be here ... To prevent his brother farts cable. ^^
I shall try often tidy my room because it's a mess.
I shall not moan at dad's cooking.
I'll keep my resolutions ! But I did not say when !
My résolutions:
RépondreSupprimerI promise not to bother my sister
I promise not to get angry with my mother
I promise to work well in English
I promise to be nice to you
I would like to pass my white patent
nice weekend
I promise to tell my mom that it was me the thief of cupcakes (although I accuse the little mouse who never existed).
RépondreSupprimerI promise that i like before you leap (If I can).
I promise to tell my dad that I broke his CD of M.
i promise i won't fight with my brother and i would stop eating my banana as a monkey.
it will be hard
My résolutions:
RépondreSupprimerI shall learn my lesson more regularly .
I should attentive in class.
I shall not fight any more with my brother.
I shall clean up my room without my mother says it to me .
I shall be more kind with my parents
I promise i won't fight with my sisther.
RépondreSupprimerI won't talk in class with my friends (if I can)
I shall tidy my room
I will learn my definitions to biology
I shall be more kind with my parents
I'll stop to sing in my shower and everywhere!
Manon Puzin 3*6
I promise i tidy my room.
RépondreSupprimerI shall be more cool with my parents
I promise to play less video games than currently
I will cook more often fory family or me
I shall work everyday and i will learn lessons.
I shall be more kind with my parents.
RépondreSupprimerI promise not to bother my sister.
I shall tidy my room.
I will learn my lessons and do my homework.
I promise not to fight with my sister.
I will not talk in class or almost.
I promise not to speak in English class.
RépondreSupprimerI promise to do my homework and learn my lessons.
I'll stop evil talking to my brother.
I should attentive in class and hear.
I will working for have the patent.