I promise I won't get angry at my lovely lovely lovely pupils who don't work,
don't care and just chat during lessons.
I won't get mad at the cat who keeps jumping on the coach and makes marks with his claws.
I won't shout at my naughty but so lovely daughter
who never listens to me and just wants to laugh, play and watch Tchoupi all day.
I will correct papers straight away and hand them in the next day.
I will clear the table and put the dishes away right after dinner.
I won't eat too much chocolate.
I will stop swearing and making fun of people.
I will respect the speed limit.
I will stop speaking and laughing loudly and behave like a lady under every circumstance.
BUT just how boring it will all be ???
What a boring person I will be?
But maybe I shall hold to my teacher's resolutions then...You'll tell me if I hold on to them....